[JRNL] Day 2: Indigoing Well!

 The first thing on the to-do list for Friday, Day 2 of the Indigo trip was to visit Woolies to stock up on food for the next few days. We were set to leave at 10am.

After a patchy sleep, I noticed the morning teal light in our room and checked my phone. 7:30am. I tried to go back to sleep without waking up the rest of my body functions and realising the need to use the bathroom.




At 7:40am, I got up to use the bathroom, and came back. I had set my alarm to wake me and the rest of my room up at 8:30am, so I had close to an hour left. But after tossing and turning for a little while, my body had accepted that it was awake, and I resigned to checking out some things on my phone. I couldn't open up my suitcase to grab my clothes yet – the noise would wake my room mates up.

At around 8:25am I made my bed and sat around, waiting for the alarm to go off... and it did!

I silenced it too quickly.

I greeted my fellow cabin members and started to get ready for the day, but I hadn't woken them up effectively... they were snoozing when I got back to organise my things. I'm not a very good waker-upper! Uh oh. Before I ate breakfast, I took some of my COVID signage with me, and taped a few of them around the house – hand washing how-to's by the sinks, a reminder to maintain a safe distance on the front door, and ways to upkeep good hand hygiene. I returned my extra sheets and tape dispenser to my suitcase before heading upstairs again to eat.

I was curious about the plant-based Milo that Tanner and Lily brought for the trip. Apparently the milk powder in it was replaced with plant alternatives, but it still maintained the malt-choc taste? I nervously heated the electric kettle, which looked more like a tea pot rather than a jug, and then prepared myself a mug. There were a few different types of mugs available, but I picked the one with the shape closest to my 'Best Dad Ever' mug at home (which just so happens to be the perfect size for me)... the mug I had chosen was purple and blue with some interesting architecture on it.

I poured the hot water in, and checked in the fridge for some milk. Soy milk, almond milk, light milk. None of them full cream. I checked the expiry date of one of the cartons and slowly put it back... before reaching for the light milk in the pantry. Not the same as my full cream, let alone cold milk, at home. But hopefully it would be okay?



Hopefully didn't work this time.

I drank...

and I felt...


I went downstairs to tell my cabin mates that they were free to get up and grab breakfast when they were ready. Since it was about 9::20am and Tanner hadn't emerged from his room, I assumed we might instead be going at 11 or 11:30am. That was my mistake.

I took my DS up with me, Sonic Rush in the slot, to play while I slowly sipped my drink. I grabbed the jar of lollies off the top shelf of the pantry and exclusively ate the red (raspberry?) and orange ones.

Ash came by to grab breakfast, and around 9:40am, Tanner emerged from his room. Time flew by quickly. I went downstairs to alert my room mates that if they wanted to join the shopping trip, they needed to be ready real soon. I felt bad for rushing Fatima! Aaa! I think it was about 10:15am that we got in the car to go. The shopping team was: Tanner, Holly, Aaron, Fatima, and me! We were grabbing breakfast on our trip too, so it wasn't necessary to have before going.

But it wasn't the only morning expedition happening that day! Tanner received a call from the land owner that the marquee tent was blowing away in the morning gale... so the other half of the team went to go investigate the film set.

As we drove, we saw some blow-up rides at some carnivals, and our inner child voices cheered. Tanner said that if we had a free day, we could go. We all probably became determined to strive for that free day.

Upon arriving at the Woolies, I took a basket, wiped the inside down and went over to the cleaning and body health aisles to grab some products. Swinburne's COVID Safety Guidelines required everyone to have their own hand sanitiser before starting work for the day, and I knew not everyone had their own. It also specified that people needed to have an alcohol-based disinfectant, and none of the products there had "alcohol-based" on the front cover... somehow, I lost all knowledge of chemistry and forgot the suffix associated with alcohol, "ol". But I think I picked out good wipes anyway.

I joined up with Fatima, who was buying the ingredients for food on the 4th day and general snacks. I steered the trolley and followed her lead. She said this was also a time for us to buy things that made us happy, as long as we paid for it.

I grabbed a small can of regular Milo, a normal-sized Nutella jar, and a 3 litre full cream milk jug. I was originally going to buy a tiny Nutella and a 1 litre milk jug but she said that other people in the house might like to use it. Fatima was interested in having all of my things too, so I got them bigger (minus the Milo tin)! We met up with Tanner who took our trolley, and we paid for our own things at the self service before waiting for him to reunite with us. Fatima was going to go to the car ahead of me, since I wanted to wait for Tanner (I didn't want him to be alone) but she stayed back to wait too.

We headed out, but just as we got to the car, Tanner realised he forgot to get oil, and asked Fatima to go get some while we packed things away into the car boot. Once she returned, we went back to the house!

On the way, we jammed out to Holly and Aaron's music! I'm surprised by how much the pair had accomplished in their music career so far. I was amused by Aaron's energetic and fast-speaking voice in comparison to his regular, laid-back attitude.They were members of New Wave Infinity!

Straight from its website, New Wave Infinity is a "Melbourne based creative collective aiming to produce high quality music, videos and multimedia content, inspired by the everchanging scope of today's creative industries". The 'All Corners' project was produced by over 60 Melbourne-based creatives in a week-long music session over four separate studio spaces. I think three of them took place in one – two inside, and one outdoors when the conditions were right! People coming and going throughout the week. It was mad. Real mad. I hope to participate in writing fellowships like this someday.

After packing away the shopping and eating some well-deserved breakfast (a happy milo made me a happy woman), lunch was starting to be prepared. I sort of... began to dread it a little bit, as the sushi smell filled the air. Even though I had some fried chicken sushi, the smell and taste of the seaweed I think... just turns me off. But I knew, again, that I was going to be challenged as a fussy eater on this trip, so I needed to just drink a lot of water and just do it.

I wasn't expecting to be given 12 pieces.

Every little piece... was a tremendous feat. I definitely don't mean any offence to Lily and Emily, who so graciously made lunch for the day, but my tongue... my body...! I... I tried my best. I ate 6, and then left 6 in a container to eat later. My fillings were carrot, mayo, avocado and fake snitchzel. 

I settled down to play some Sonic Rush and Smash Ultimate with the others for the afternoon. People were making the start of curry in the kitchen! It smelled super good.

Before we went to film, a man named Jake arrived to fix the generator and bring it to set. He was a pretty cool fella, I didn't get to know him much during the short while he was with us, unfortunately! He had dinner with us at home base and slept on the super comfy couch in the upstairs living room before leaving the following morning.

During today's shooting, I tasked myself with upholding more of the Production Guidelines. We'd forgotten to clean our camera and equipment regularly, so I timed Ash and Tom, giving them 30 minutes before the camera needed to be cleaned again. We settled into a routine with this. I handed out the 6 small bottles of hand sanitiser that I'd bought that morning, and worked on my COVID Daily report while on set. You can see how my "desk" looked below. Lots of air ventilation, hey? Pretty COVID Safe.

Ah, and here's some shots of me too. The first was taken by Emily... rather expertly! The other is just a mere selfie, hehe.

At home base, I once again wrestled with the water, this time wanting it stronger so I could actually wash my hair. Buuuut I had to settle once more with a semi-weak lukewarm stream. I thought that with all the time I'd taken, everyone would have already finished dinner by now! But they hadn't – the rice wasn't cooked fully yet.

When we had the curry, ohhh. My heart melted. Putting a hot food with my white rice... felt like I was at home eating Filipino food. It was spicy, it was glorious, and everybody loved it. Holly was responsible for the curry, and I deeply appreciate it.

People sat down to play some more Smash after dinner. I can't remember what specific night this magical moment occurred, so I'm going to put it here in the 2nd night.

After a slough-fest, which involved both me (Lucario) and Tom (Mewtwo) annoying everyone with charging up aura balls to fire across the field at unsuspecting players... I, along with the others, were defeated. It was just down to Tom the Dark Mewtwo, and Tanner the Sly Fox. Internally, I bet Tom to win. I knew he'd deliver the final blow.

Just... not in the way I expected.

The pair had high percent. They were flying far with every blow. Fox darted around the field, Mewtwo floaty enough to keep up. They were tangoing with each other.

Mewtwo shot a charged up mega dark ball--

And Fox's Reflector flashed!

Mewtwo ate his own attack, and...!

Was destroyed.

I suppose Tom won against himself? But not overall, hehe.

After that epic moment, everyone resigned for the night. As we laid down the controllers, our weapons of mass destruction, Lily lamented that people wouldn't be available to watch WandaVision that night. Tanner reassured her that we could the following day.

And with that, that's a wrap for Day 2! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Day 3 and 4 are set to be more interesting, hopefully! The next post will be up on Sunday 12am AEDT, so tune in for that.

Goodbye, everyone! Take care and stay safe! 'Til then~


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