[FILM] Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, nor the Paramount film, nor any of the pages linked to in this blog post. All credit goes to their respective creators. A full list of references and links will be at the end of this post.

Note: The links in this blog post are for further reading.

I first fell in love with the blue blur when I was three years old, just before kindergarten. My father bought me a Sonic X DVD and I watched, dumbstruck, at the speedster on the screen. Sonic the Hedgehog instantly became an intrinsic part of my life and a prominent role model in my childhood. Many of my earliest drawings were of Sonic, and the very first fanfiction I ever wrote was my friends and me living with Sonic characters in a house atop a skyscraper.

My parents bought me the DVDs out of order. Volume 3 first! Didn't even get the whole set.

Over the years, my fiery passion for him died down due to numerous reasons. The first was me growing up and moving on to other, more mature stories such as the Ace Attorney series. I also became embarrassed at the fandom's reputation online. But the most important one was the general decline in quality games put out against Mario's ones. I wish I was born before the 90's so I could be in the middle of the Sega vs Nintendo war, when Genesis did what Nintendon't, but alas, I was born in the year 2000. As ironic as it sounds, it felt like Sonic wasn't really going anywhere.

There had always been rumours and talk of a Sonic movie. There was a fan-created spec film released on Youtube by Blue Core Studios in 2013, which had a 3D Sonic design that was criticised heavily at the video's release. Interestingly, it's received some high praise ever since the first Paramount Sonic movie trailer. The official Sonic film was originally going to be developed by Sony, who later sold the film rights to Paramount. Fans were hopeful.

On April 30th 2019, the first trailer dropped. I woke up, checked Youtube on my phone and found it at the top of my feed. I tapped on it with trepidation.

And I, like so many Sonic fans out there, became so horrified.

I had seen the fan outrange surrounding posters and leaked production images for the film in the past, but they couldn't prepare me for how disturbing Sonic was. A husk of the hedgehog I had always held fondly in my heart. It really did look like a person in an ill-fitting, furry morph suit with a gross mask. Sonic also seemed a bit lifeless in his personality. I was so relieved when Jeff Fowler announced it would be fixed. I was a little unhappy when Jim Carrey voiced his concerns about the audience's involvement in the redesign. It definitely would have been horrible if the redesigned Sonic still wasn't what people wanted. It's understandable how creators can feel outraged that millions of angry comments on the internet can force a change like that, but I feel it was fair. The movie Sonic was grossly unfaithful to the source material for the sake of being "realistic" in our world, and the tone that Gangsta's Paradise had set for the film felt unfitting with the new Sonic anyway. Besides, why release a film knowing it was going to fail harder than the Super Mario Bros. movie?

On November 12th, 2019, the new trailer released after a flurry of leaked images of the redesign. Fans rejoiced, and I loved it. Although I prefer the somewhat introverted, mature yet occasionally cheeky Sonic I had seen in Sonic X and Sonic Unleashed, I could understand why the new Sonic had a more kid-friendly tone and a fun personality to appeal to a broader, non-Sonic fan audience. Interestingly, Paramount also took down the original trailer, but many channels on Youtube still have it up.

Before I get into my remarks about the movie, I'd like to bring up two Youtubers and their videos related to the film. Lumpytouch is an incredibly talented pixel artist and videomaker, and he made several terrifying animations about the Sonic designs in the movie. On a more serious level, Max Gilardi (hotdiggedydemon) presented a detailed criticism of the Sonic movie design. However, that video has since been taken down, likely due to a copyright claim. He argued that Sonic having peach-coloured arms were important because it makes it easy to distinguish Sonic's limbs, and he pixellated the images to show the difference. He also re-animated parts of the old Sonic trailer with a cartoony Sonic reminiscent of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Space Jam, which I feel could have been an interesting way to present the movie.

Re-creating Max Gilardi's video to detail my point. Admittedly lining the art with black can make the arm outline easy to distinguish but without it, the outline of Sonic's left arm would be difficult to see. I also think too much blue disrupts the colour balance the normal design achieves.

Now, fast forward to February 17th 2020, where I viewed the film with my family in the cinema. I was surprised the theatre was so empty, but it was a 6:45 PM showing on a Monday night, so I can understand families wouldn't take their kids out to see it then. Here's a bad selfie of me trying to catch the Sonic advertisement on the screens in the cinema corridor after the film.

I was in a bit of a rush! Sorry about the bad quality. It was dark!
Warning: Spoilers ahead!

It was amazing. The movie went by at supersonic speed, with a fairly tight storyline! My mother and I laughed so much. I cried towards the end. I loved seeing Ben Schwartz' charismatic Sonic on-screen, behaving more like a sporty Gen Zer. I even enjoyed the two instances when he did the Floss, a dance move associated with Epic Games' Fortnite. I was enamoured with this Sonic and was excited to learn of the potential Sonic trilogy.

Looking back now, I can agree that the plot felt a little... lacklustre. It wasn't as painfully predictable nor recycled as parts of Detective Pikachu's was (with the Mewtwo conflict from the first film), but it was still a fun little film that undoubtedly made plenty of kids and Sonic fans happy. There were many clever nods to the existing Sonic franchise, making repeat watches an Easter egg hunt. I would recommend this film for anybody looking for something to enjoy on a movie night.

I suppose I could give this film a rating. I like to use the 1-10 system, but if you use the 1-5 star system, you can always double your rating to get the out of 10 score. It's good to use if you struggle with the logistics for bigger numbers. If I was going to judge this film objectively, I'd assign two points to give for categories of Plot, Mise-en-Scene, Sound, Cinematography and perhaps "Effect", an unexplainable quality that determines if a film has "Oomph" or not. That might sound subjective, but you could have a beautiful film in all other aspects that lacks the final push for it to be a masterpiece. Like a perfect, working android body without a soul. But I'll be the first to admit I didn't pay much attention to the score (but I did catch the Green Hill Zone theme playing after Robotnik's defeat) not the cinematography, so I'll have to give it a generally "feeling" rating instead.

This film definitely isn't a one or two star, but I doubt it deserves a full five. It's a pretty fun film to just be sitting at a three, but a four might be a biased stretch as a fan so... three and a half stars out of five. Double that, and it becomes a seven out of ten. For me, the film is weak in the plot department. Sonic's Momma Owl, Longclaw (Donna Jay Fulks) felt weird since she's never been a prominent part of the Sonic video game franchise before. She was given such little development that she could've been cut out. The plot was a little simplistic, easy for kids to follow, and it didn't really linger on any consequences. The ending also felt rushed, with the government not taking measures to ensure that the hedgehog really wasn't lingering on Earth any longer, but it was fine. The movie was by no means a "masterpiece"; it didn't blow most people away, but it was a fine little romp overall.

I'd also like to use this space to broadly discuss an aspect of two critics' reviews – Steve Rose from The Guardian, and Simon Abrams from Roger Ebert.com. In both of their reviews, they criticise the film's cliche messages of friendship. As someone who has seen many friendship stories, the most prominent of which being My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I can understand how the friendship theme can feel overplayed and empty to reviewers. But I feel that their constant exposure to it can leave them feeling bitter towards that particular theme in children's movies, and that seems unfairly biased. Trust me, I would know, because stories utilising miscommunication for conflict in romantic comedies and many episodes of MLP: FiM has become my greatest bane in the world.

I believe it's important to do one's best to open their minds when viewing stories and let their analytical, nitpicky guards down to enjoy a film. I realise this can be difficult for reviews, but the moment a person throws their shield up, the story can suddenly become unenjoyable. Recently, my sister showed me Clueless and I was enjoying it until the ex-step-sibling romance at the end. All of a sudden, I became tense, finding the film weird and discomforting, staining my initial view of it. A bit later, however, I thought the film over and my views on it mellowed. I appreciated the cult film for what it was.

I dislike the notion that reviewers, maybe in particular adult males, have to be sour towards children's films. It feels like they can only enjoy adult films with deep, complex messages and artistry. I'm a 19-year-old teenager, and I watched Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper a few months back with a male friend, and we appreciated how developed its villain was in comparison to other Barbie films, and how it didn't rely on magic to save the day. I can also enjoy and critique more mature media such as Ghost World, Rear Window and Playtime fairly.

I feel as though some adult reviewers have become hardened elitists and give unnecessarily harsh criticism during their reviews, perhaps even focusing too much on the problems a film has rather than enjoy it for what it was. I hope to encourage a review culture that makes an effort to focus on the positives as well, or even include more constructive comments as well. This is why I agree with Max Gilardi, who also presented an interesting perspective on The Emoji Movie, which received universal backlash and hate. From 4:46 on, he states,

"I believe that if you want to be a movie reviewer, if you want to behave as if you have any semblance of authority on the subject of film, you have to be able to speak about even the most repugnant, unsalvageable movie in a constructive way. Because unless if you have the wherewithal to prove that given the opportunity, you could have done better, then you're no authority on anything and your opinion is worthless."

While a bit harsh, I feel he makes a fair point. I don't believe I'm at an ability to write a better Sonic movie, but I'd try to write something similar to Sonic X. Most of Sonic's fans aren't wealthy folks living in mansions like Chris Thorndyke, but more Helen, or Tom in the movie. Here's my extremely long (2 hours?) on-the-spot take:

"Super Sonic, in his battle against Dr Robotnik, unleashes Chaos Control and accidentally sends the two of them off into a different dimension. When Sonic faceplants the ground, he loses most of his memories. When he wakes up, Sonic is taken in by a young, female nurse-in-training named Helen, whose parents are always busy working. The dark Chaos Emerald in his hand soon lights up. Meanwhile, Robotnik had arrived on Earth much earlier and has used his genius to easily assimilate into human society. He has become a respected figure of authority and works on finding and collecting the Chaos Emeralds. The two Emeralds in his possession glow, and he discovers that the Emeralds are beginning to emit powerful energy signatures. They're all together on Earth. He realises that Sonic is finally present.

Sonic learns to live alongside Helen, learning about the world and speeding around town whenever she's out studying and doing her placement. She's encouraged him to get out and do things, in the hopes that his memories will come back fully. The only time they ever go outside together is at night, generally just around their suburb. He shows her he's found a second Chaos Emerald. Frustrated that he can't solve the mystery of who he is, Sonic unleashes a powerful sonic boom, knocking out all the power in the vicinity and grabbing Robotnik's attention. As Sonic is ushered back home, he begins to remember who he is and what he must do. Using the Emeralds, the pair go on a road trip searching for the others.

After a few skirmishes, Robotnik coaxes Sonic to his lair, with the proposition that they go back to where they came from. He has four Emeralds, Sonic has three. But it's a trap! Robotnik steals Sonic's Emeralds and uses them to fire up his Death Ray, and launches a weak test fire at Sonic. Sonic lies mortally wounded on the ground, and Helen holds him. Robotnik resolves to finally end his eternal enemy. But the Chaos Emeralds respond to Sonic's cry for help, and they break free of Robotnik's control. Sonic stops time to wish his friend farewell and heals their injuries before he warps her back home. Sonic unleashes Chaos Control and sends him and Robotnik back to their world.

Helen is left in a depressed stupor at the loss of her friend, before taking heart in some of the remnants of him left behind. Drawings, comic books, library books about geography, and a letter, where he wrote how much Helen meant to him and how grateful he was for her help. He'll never forget her. Three, electrifying quills are sealed within the envelope. She looks outside her window at the moon.

Meanwhile, Sonic is enjoying a Welcome Home party with his friends, having told them all about his adventures. As the party wraps up, Sonic retreats to the roof, enjoying a chilli dog as he stares up at the stars. The two are far apart, yet as they look up at the sky, they smile with the memories of their friendship."

Whoof! I was surprised at how well that turned out. Feels like a tearjerker. Maybe it's more of a TV series than a film. It kind of seems more like a long Netflix action-adventure drama that caters a little more to older Sonic fans. But hey, that's most of us, right?

Hmm... and that's it! That's all I got to say for this post. That was quite the tangent for my first review/discussion post, huh? I don't think every post will be this long, but I had a lot to say about this movie. Thanks for reading this far! Who knows? Maybe I'll even write that story synopsis into a fanfiction.

If you like this content, please follow my blog (when I figure out how to make a subscription list or something), or just favourite it in a Bookmark bar. I hope to publish a new post once a week, on Sunday, midnight! Furthermore, please leave a comment down below. Talk about how you feel about the Sonic movie, maybe even your thoughts on my proposed story! I'd be happy to chat with you all. Looking forward to seeing the response to my blog!

Further Viewing / Pages Linked (in order of appearance):
  1. Sonic X (TV Series) - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_X
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog (Character) - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog#Heroes
  3. Ace Attorney Wikia - https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Ace_Attorney_Wiki
  4. Sonic Games' Quality Decline - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog#Commentary
  5. Sega vs Nintendo War - https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-27373587
  6. Genesis Does What Nintendon't - https://youtu.be/k7nsBoqJ6s8
  7. Sonic Spec Film by Blue Core Studios - https://youtu.be/JtCtQpclpY8
  8. 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Movie in the Works at Sony - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/sonic-hedgehog-movie-works-at-sony-710867
  9. 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Movie Races to Paramount (Exclusive) - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/sonic-hedgehog-movie-races-paramount-1044819
  10. Old Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXDa8i75PpM
  11. Twitter erupts in fury over leaked images of Sonic the Hedgehog that show him with tiny eyes - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6773479/Twitter-erupts-fury-leaked-images-Sonic-Hedgehog-tiny-eyes.html
  12. Jeff Fowler's Fix Tweet - https://twitter.com/fowltown/status/1124056098925944832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1124056098925944832&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2019%2F05%2F03%2Fentertainment%2Fsonic-hedgehog-movie-response-director-character-change-trnd%2Findex.html
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Star Jim Carrey Unsure Whether Redesign Will Be Good or Bad - https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/08/02/sonic-the-hedgehog-movie-jim-carrey-redesign/
  14. Gangsta's Paradise Music Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPO76Jlnz6c
  15. Super Mario Bros. (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Bros._(film)
  16. New Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szby7ZHLnkA
  17. Sonic Unleashed - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Unleashed
  18. Lumpytouch channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp2pLVMRCTCJh6WlQdFrH-A
  19. Lumpytouch Sonic playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFMSwFabdm4&list=PLZ622845xC-OYv18V3_vhKCXSBXSt3PTa
  20. Max Gilardi (hotdiggedydemon) channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/hotdiggedydemon
  21. Max Gilardi's re-animation of Sonic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u726iTPWewU
  22. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Framed_Roger_Rabbit
  23. Space Jam (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Jam
  24. Sonic the Hedgehog (Film) - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(film)
  25. Floss (Dance) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floss_(dance)
  26. Fortnite Battle Royale - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortnite_Battle_Royale
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog Film Series - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(film_series)
  28. Detective Pikachu (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_Pikachu_(film)
  29. Pokémon: The First Movie - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon:_The_First_Movie
  30. Longclaw (Character) - https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Longclaw
  31. Steve Rose's The Guardian Review - https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/feb/13/sonic-the-hedgehog-review-jim-carrey
  32. Simon Abrams' Rogert Ebert.com Review - https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/sonic-the-hedgehog-movie-review-2020
  33. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic
  34. Clueless (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clueless_(film)
  35. Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie_as_the_Princess_and_the_Pauper
  36. Ghost World (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_World_(film)
  37. Rear Window (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rear_Window
  38. Playtime (Film) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playtime
  39. Max Gilardi's Brain Dump video on The Emoji Movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q9iozzThg8 and the time stamp: https://youtu.be/-Q9iozzThg8?t=286
  40. The Emoji Movie - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emoji_Movie


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